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【培训时间】2019年4月12-14日 昆山 |
2019年4月19-21日昆山 |
【培训对象】◆生产型企业总经理 ◆专案推行专员、工程师; ◆生产/工程部经理 |
/主管/工程师 |
【培训费用】¥9880元/人(含:教材、证书、会务、午餐、茶水、发票) |
≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡≡ |
【课程目标】 |
六西格玛绿带是能够利用DMAIC方法论及相关流程分析工具改进本职工工作流程的人员,通常作为六西格玛项目 改进小组的成 员参与项目活动,推进项目开展或支持黑带完成改进项目★ 如何做好主生产计划?★ 发生变化时 如何进行主生产计 划调整?通过学习六西格玛绿带课程,学员可以深入了解六西格玛发展和要求,学习导入及推 行六西格玛所必需的基 本知识和技能并学会完成至少一个六西格玛项目. |
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【课程大纲】 |
6 sigma发展史 6 sigma History |
6 sigma威力 6 sigma Power |
6 sigma推行的组织介绍 6sigma Deployment Organization |
证明六西格玛是需要的 List some benefits of Six Sigma |
定义一些重要观念 Define some key concepts |
项目定义 Project definition |
确定一个方法去定义6 Sigma 绿带项目 To identify a method for defining |
Six Sigma Black Belt Projects |
启动项目 Launching the Project |
项目选择工具介绍 Project Scoping and Management Tools |
树状图Tree Diagram |
力场分析Force Field Diagrams |
伯拉图Pareto Analysis |
鱼骨图Fishbone Diagrams |
亲和图Affinity Diagrams |
SIPOC图SIPOC Diagrams |
因果关系矩阵 C&E Matrix |
Minitab 介绍 Minitab Introduction |
MINITAB的结构, 包括主要窗户, 菜单结构, 工具条快捷键盘命令The structure |
of MINITAB, including main windows, menu structure, tool bars and |
shortcut keyboard commands |
数据类型, 数据输入及数据操作技巧Types of data, data entry and data |
manipulation techniques |
修正数据结构以便用MINITAB分析Correct data structure for analysis in |
如何在MINITAB中创建及解释图表How to create and interpret basic graphs |
把MINITAB结果移到其它文件中Moving output from MINITAB into other |
programs |
基本统计介绍Basic Statistics |
定义数据类型Define data types |
介绍中心趋势测量Introduce measures of central tendency |
介绍偏差测量Introduce measures of variation |
介绍形状概念Introduce concepts of shape |
展示基本图表工具Demonstrate basic graphical tools |
测量阶段Measure Phase |
过程流程图Process Mapping |
宏观流程图Macro Process Map |
过程流程图Process Flow Diagram |
详细流程图 Detail Process Map |
原因和结果工具Cause & Effects Tools |
了解因果关系矩阵和鱼骨图如何实现突破性改进的蓝图相关Identify where the |
C&E Matrix Fishbone Diagrams into the Blueprint for Breakthrough |
区分巧合与相关性Contrast coincidence with causality |
展示鱼骨图Demonstrate Fishbone Diagrams |
完成因果关系矩阵Complete a Cause & Effects Matrix |
测量系统分析Measurement Systems Analysis |
介绍量具能力的基本概念To introduce gage capability concepts |
离散数据的gage R&R. To demonstrate and practice a method for gage |
studies for Attribute data |
连续数据的gage R&R. To demonstrate and practice a method for gage |
studies for Continuous (Variable) data |
过程能力分析Process Capability |
介绍基本过程能力的统计方法Introduce fundamental capability statistics |
短期和长期过程能力的分析方法Demonstrate short long-term capability |
analysis methods |
合理编组方法Using rational subgroups |
单一连续测量方法Using single measure sequences |
离散数据的方法Using discrete data |
通过excel和MinitabDemonstrate two ways to calculate capability |
分析阶段Analyze Phase |
图形分析Graphical Methods |
介绍六种图形分析的方法Introduce six methods of graphical analysis |
展示一种进行多变量研究. Demonstrate a method for conducting multi- |
vari studies |
介绍并进行数据采掘练习Introduce and practice data mining |
FMEA介绍Failure Modes and Effects Analysis |
介绍失效模式分析方法Identify a method for constructing an FMEA |
使用Excel进行失效模式效果分析Use the Excel™ form to setup an FMEA |
回归与相关性分析Regression & Correlation |
介绍建立简单线性模型的方法 To introduce simple linear modeling |
展示用Minitab 和 Excel 建立最小平方法模型 To demonstrate methods in |
Minitab & Excel for constructing least squares models |
练习回归技巧 To practice regression techniques |
介绍用Minitab 和 Excel To introduce higher-order models |
in Minitab & Excel |
解释相关和回归的区别 difference between correlation & regression |
假设检验Introduction to Hypothesis Testing |
介绍统计学假设检验的概念To introduce statistical hypothesis testing |
定义零假设和备择假设To define null and alternate hypotheses |
展示构建假设检验的方法To demonstrate constructing a hypothesis test |
为给定问题选择适当的假设检验方法提供路径图To provide for selecting the |
appropriate hypothesis test for a given problem |
均值检验Means Testing |
展示四种关于均值的假设检验To demonstrate four hypothesis for means |
练习均值检验practice hypothesis testing for means |
比例检验Proportion Testing |
1-比例检验1- Proportion test |
2-比例检验2- Proportion test |
ANOVA分析Analysis of Variance – One-way ANOVA |
介绍变异数分析概念To introduce the concepts of Analysis of Variance |
演练计算 ANOVA 表 To demonstrate and practice calculating the |
练习 ANOVA To practice ANOVA |
改善阶段Improve Phase |
试验设计介绍Introduction to Designed Experiments |
介绍统计学实验设计To Introduce the concept of statistically |
讨论统计学实验设计的术语To discuss terminology for statistically designed experiments |
提供实验设计用的工具To provide a tool for planning designed |
全因子试验设计Full Factorials |
展示一些一般因子实验的设立及分析方法To demonstrate some general |
setup and analysis |
介绍主效果及交互作用的概念To introduce the concepts of main effects and interactions |
练习用ANOVA分析全因子实验To practice using ANOVA to analyze |
介绍DOE的术语及定义To introduce DOE terms and definitions |
2K因子试验设计2k Factorial Designs |
演示 2-水平因子设计To demonstrate two-level factorial designs |
复习 DOE 术语和符号To review DOE terminology and notation |
实习 DOE 设计及分析To practice DOE design & analysis |
控制阶段Control Phase |
控制简介及控制计划Introduction to Control and Control Plans |
在控制阶段发展出控制程序Develop a procedure for the control phase |
论述项目移交行动计划Discuss Project Transition Action Plans |
探讨控制计划Explore Control Plans |
介绍第四代管理的概念Introduce 4th Generation Management Concepts |
控制方法Control Methods |
讨论控制方法的类型和定义Discuss types and definitionscontrol methods |
学习流程的防错技术 Learn techniques of error-proofing the process |
连续变量 SPC–第一部分Variable SPC – Part 1 |
简单介绍SPC历史To present a brief history of SPC |
为使用控制图提供指导方针To provide guidelines for using control charts |
练习应用 Shewhart PDSA 循环To practice using the Shewhart PDSA cycle |
演示运行图和 X-bar 与 R 图To demonstrate Run charts and X-barcharts |
连续变量 SPC–第二部分Variable SPC – Part 2 |
控制图判定异常的检验Control charts are powerful detecting special |
cause variation |
控制图的使用Using Control Charts |
项目关闭Closing Your Project |
讨论项目移交To discuss project transitions |
讨论项目的实现阶段To discuss Realization |
为 6 Sigma 项目的最终报告提供一个模板(Template) provide a template for |
Six Sigma Project Final Reports |